The CO2 Coaching Model – not just for business coaches

The CO2 Coaching Model is more than a business coaching model, it is a model designed to help business owners lead their company and better service their customers. Business leaders and managers need to understand that there is more to running a business than looking at the numbers and the bottom line. Business is about how emotionally intelligent you are to lead a business through change, manage your operations and service customers.

The core of your business is it’s organizational operations (O2). The operations are there to service your customers (C) and ensure they are happy. Refer to the image below. You can see that the O2 – organizational operations, is on a vertical axis that rotates inside the C – your target customers. Since operations is the core of your business when it is running smoothly and efficiently it is well aligned with your customers and spins on it’s axis without resistance.

not just for business coaches
not just for business coaches

However, if your operations are not properly aligned, perhaps because your target market has shifted, then your operations will slow down because the axis is no longer aligned with customers expectations. When this happens your business begins to produce ‘operational waste’ and your customers start to dwindle. You need to realign your business so that it is back in tune with your customers.

Keep it Simple – We’ve all heard this before


“Keep it Simple” they say. 

That’s easy for them to say, they don’t understand the roller coaster ride of entrepreneurship or at least they have never experienced it first hand. But then again, why can’t we as entrepreneurs “keep it simple”?

How many of you actually have a written plan and are executing to that plan today? What are your top 3 goals for today? How do they help you achieve your plan? If you didn’t have an answer to the first two questions then the last one would have been moot.

Let me keep this post simple and pointed:

1. Have a plan.

2. Know and review your plan daily.

3. Set realistic goals to achieve your plan.

4. Measure your performance against the plan to ensure you are meeting your goals.

5. Have daily tasks and prioritize these tasks.

6. If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it – know your numbers and manage them, from sales to finance.

7. Know when to say “no”.

8. Define your target market, and go after it. Avoid distractions from sales that are not in your focused market – they will suck the life out of you.

9. Referrals – get some.

10. If this doesn’t seem simple to you, seek advice, hire a business coach and/or someone to take on this task on your behalf.

Take the time now to do this, start with the basics then add to it. Keep it simple and know when to seek help, don’t be too proud. This list can be made easy for you to complete through the help of an experienced individual.